The Brasil Aromáticos it is a company that was born with the sustainable DNA.

The brands Brasil Aromáticos and Feitiços Aromáticos REVERE this country of diversities, cultures, flavors, colors and fragrances…

Our products are inspired by aromatherapy and carry the Braziliannes of the exotics fruits and flowers, blending with the sensuality of the Brazilian people.

Each detail and each color refers to the most aphrodisiac landscapes which brings to our homes the well being of all corners of Brazil.  You feel like you are on a hammock, a raft, or just walking along the shore of a beach of white sand.

We are a company whit the sustainable DNA, and what is that means? From the very beginning of our activities we have always been concerned about the social and environmental issues. We have made investments in the factory in order to improve energy and water use; and we are constantly working to reduce consumption.

Inside our community, we have always had the concern to generate positive impact and we understand the value of the local population for employment and growth opportunities, and that is part of our role in society.
We are part of a group of companies whose main purpose is not to be the best of the world, but we are willing to be the best FOR the world.

Our Mission

To take part of people’s lives through excellent products that provides pleasant experiences and to improve the interaction with your body, with each other and with the environment you are in. Welfare visible and invisible.

Our Vision

  • To always be connected with people, the environment and with the current movements, in a truly sustainable and globalized way.
  • The joy is in the details, the simple, in the act of contributing and sharing.

Our Values

  • Ethical conduct and absolute integrity.
  • Respect for life, people and the environment.
  • Quality, reliability, tolerance and innovation.

Contact – falecom@feiticosaromaticos.com.br

11 97645.0921